Javna ustanova Park prirode Učka
Liganj 42
51415 Lovran

Stanista i ekosustavi

The mosaic of different habitat types within Učka Nature Park is the result of the area’s geographical position, natural processes, but also the years-long presence of man and his continuous use of the area. With regard to the distribution and variety of habitats, the areas of Učka and Ćićarija are home to plant and animal species that depend directly on these habitats, and whose preservation requires active management. For most habitats, this means that management actions should be aimed at sustaining (some also at increasing) the existing surface and distribution of the habitats.

Within the KAM Project (Karst Associated Management – Establishing a trans-border network of protected karst areas and joined management), the Učka Nature Park Public Institution made a detailed map on a scale of 1:5000 of habitat types within the park, in the neighbouring protected areas, and its contact area. The habitat-type nomenclature corresponds to the Croatian National Habitat Classification (NKS). According to the NKS, as many as 58 habitat types have been determined in Učka Nature Park at the 4th level of classification.

Did you know?

The griffon vulture feeding site

…that griffon vultures, endangered in Croatia, are often flying over Učka in search for food? Once they were nesting here, but today their northern-Adriatic population is decreasing and in order to help in their preservation, a feeding site was build in Učka Nature Park, popularly called 'griffon vulture restaurants'.

The „Two towers“ trail

…that in 2018 a trail named „Two towers“ was established, which connects the town tower in Lovran with the Vojak tower on Učka? The trail goes through the existing hiking trail, and alongside there are educational boards that inform visitors on the flora and fauna of Učka.

The Roman cheese

…that it is traditional on Učka to produce the „molded“ sheep cheese of distinctive taste since the Roman Empire time? Its production was standardized due to its use in the nutrition of the Roman legions, while today's cheese made on Učka doesn't differ much from its antique ancestor.

Slavic mythology

…that the Mošćenička Draga's canyon used to be the scenery of sacred beliefs for the first Slavic settlers on the Kvarner area? The local toponyms like Perun, Babin grob and Voloski kuk witness about the old Slavic cult of Perun.
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